Mutual Funds & Services

What is a mutual fund?

Fortress Fund Managers is a fund management company. This simply means we’re in the business of managing mutual funds. Before considering the different funds and related services we offer it is important to understand exactly what a mutual fund is.

A mutual fund is a way for many people to pool their money and buy stocks, bonds or other securities. Mutual funds are divided into shares and each investor in the fund buys a number of shares that corresponds to their investment amount. The price of each share is known as the Net Asset Value (NAV). The NAV is simply the total value of the securities the fund owns divided by the number of fund shares outstanding.

Fund NAVs change over time, in response to the changes in market prices of the fund’s holdings. NAVs can go up or down over a given period, but in the long term the expectation is that they will rise, providing a return to investors in the mutual fund.


What we offer

Fortress Fund Managers offers a range of saving and investment vehicles and services to help you save and grow your money.

These include our equity and fixed income mutual funds (in Barbados and US dollars), personal pension plans (RRSPs), along with group pension plan administration and investment management services. Whether you’re looking to preserve and grow your own assets, or are working on behalf of an institution, our global investment strategies are designed to suit your financial needs.

Through our mutual funds we aim to achieve consistent long-term returns for our clients. We do this by applying sound, disciplined processes to our investments in equities, fixed income and real estate. Our mix of regionally and globally invested mutual funds gives your savings access to markets in the Caribbean and across the globe, managed by our experts based in Barbados.

Find out more about our mutual funds and other investment solutions by selecting from one of the categories below.

Regional Funds

International Funds

Corporate Pension Services

How to open an account

Investing in our mutual funds is quick and easy. Complete an application form and bring the form together with the following documents, for each account owner, to the Fortress Fund Managers office:

  • Barbados Identification Card OR Driver’s License OR valid passport
  • Recent utility bill OR bank OR credit card statement displaying your name and home address. Unfortunately, mobile bills cannot be accepted.
  • Cash OR cheque (payee will vary based on fund selected) for the amount you wish to invest

If you are opening a mutual fund account for a corporation, trust or other entity, contact us for details on your specific requirements.

Financial regulators also require that all initial and subsequent investments of $10,000 or more require the submission of a completed source of funds form.

Contact Us

Connect with one of our team members to get some help finding the right option for you.

(246) 431-2198

[email protected]