Fortress World Growth Fund

Objective and Fund Details
Who should invest in this fund?
Investors with US$1,000+ seeking long term equity exposure with geographical and currency diversification.
Transactions in this fund are by direct bank transfer only to and from USD bank accounts.
What does this fund invest in?
This fund is a global equity portfolio which invests in value type equities across the US, International and Emerging Markets.
Fund Strategy
The Fund uses a value approach to invest consistently in a portfolio of high quality, reasonably priced shares of public companies in the US, non-US International and Emerging Markets. The fund aims to invest in stocks that offer the best value in the market through ongoing exposure to the earnings engine and dividend payments across a range of currencies. The fund aims to limit risk through diversifying equal weighted portfolio holdings across geography, currency and industry.
What happens when you invest in this fund?
The Fund has weekly dealing. At the end of each week, a valuation of the market value of the Fund’s investments, and a net asset value (NAV) per share is calculated and published on our website. Investors may purchase shares of the Fund (invest) at any time for that week’s NAV. Similarly, if you are selling shares (redeeming), you would do so at that period’s NAV and you would receive payment the following week.
The Fund provides quarterly and annual reports to investors, detailing Fund performance and positioning of the investment portfolio. Statements reflecting the number of shares you hold, the net asset value per share and current market value, are made available to shareholders quarterly.
How much does it cost to invest in this fund?
Minimum investments:
Initial investment: USD $1,000
For subsequent investments: USD $100
Fees and expenses paid by the Fund (Quoted returns are net of these fees.):
Manager: 1.25% of net assets per annum
Custodian: 0.075% of net assets per annum
Administrator: 0.075% of net assets per annum
Investor Redemption Charge:
Within 3 months of purchase: 2%
All other times: None